Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Tonight I'll weep: Samudra Kajal Saikia

Tonight I'll weep. Weep a lot. Weep for the night long.
I'll weep to the bottom of my desire.

If I have no grief to weep
Then I'll weep claiming why I don't have any grief.
Just I'll weep.

Don't try to console me.
If you try to console, I'll weep even more.
Only I'll weep.

I don't know why I'll weep, but I'll do.
If I am bound to show a cause for weeping
Then listen:
Tears clean-up the eyes, as you know, and so I'll weep
(Is it okay, are you satisfied with this answer?)

In this night of late autumn, Hemanta, I'll cry as much as I wish
And I'll try to speculate that the wet cloth of fog-dark sky
Had saturated by my tears only.
Looking at the sky covered up with mist, I'll try to think
Each drop of my tears had put off the stars one-by-one.

I'll weep and weep. Cry and cry. I won't loose my heart.

You are not here with me. I may weep for that.
I might weep much more, even more, if you were here with me.
Whatever it be, tonight is a night for me to weep.
For God's sake, let me weep.